Monday, June 20, 2011

Cyber Bullying- MI House of Reps proposed 2011 legislation

6/20, CPAM personnel/School personnel, SRO's and parents. Michigan's elected officials are working to address the issues related to traditional and now cyber bullying incidents. Due to the increase of bullying being reported online and by text messages. These new laws being proposed will require that schools report to law enforcement and the parents  of the individual involved with bullying and the victim be notified. If anyone needs an example of a community presentation send me a note and I'll forward what we've done for our local schools here in Pittsfield Twp. and several national resources that I'll highlight in future posts.
R. Coleman, CPAM

Harassment /Stalking
         Michigan Penal Code # 750.411h

         #750.441s Posting messages through electronic medium

         House Bill #4251-Create government cyber bully PSA and maintain an awareness campaign.

         House Bill #4252- Mandate school and law enforcement “cyberbully” reporting.
         If a law enforcement officer or agency gets a report of “cyber- bullying” of a minor, it    must report this to the parents and school (s) of both the bully and the victim.
         If the school official becomes aware of cyberbullying they must report to all parties.

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